Start a Last Wives' Club in your community!


Why the LWC? Why not?

Let’s face it ladies, we are involved in all sorts of things- church groups, civic groups, arts and crafts groups, and parent groups. We also spend a lot of time on the “home parties” circuit- Pampered Chef, Mary Kay, Partylite, Thirty-One, etc. Regular “Girls Night Out” and busy children's activities top our list.

You might not realize it, but your husband is squeezed into a very small compartment of your life or is off the grid completely. Often, our husbands don’t even show up on our radar. Don’t get me wrong, he’s not completely forgotten, just outside of your matrix. You know it’s not right but it’s so hard to fit him in and besides, he doesn’t seem to mind. After all, you’ve been doing it this way for years.

So why the LWC? Simple. After you were called to be in a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, you were called to be a “WIFE.” Most of us miss that. Women are relational and we will spend all of our life in personal relationships with so many people, but often, our relationship with Jesus and our husbands is severely compromised. The LWC is a support group that exists to help you “stop the madness” and “kick the addictive habit” of doing marriage your own way. The LWC is not a 12-step program. It’s a 2-step program: Jesus First. Husband Second.

Join the hundreds of wives who want to do marriage God’s way. We all know deep down inside it’s the only way. So let’s get to it!!!

God's will for every Christian wife is that her most important ministry be to her husband (Genesis 2:18). After a wife’s own personal relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ, nothing else should have greater priority. Her husband should be the primary benefactor of his wife’s time and energy, not the recipient of what may be left over at the end of the day.”

--Martha Peace, author of “The Excellent Wife”

Member Commitment

-  Commit to fellow wives for one year, understanding the commitment includes meeting once a month and participating fully in the LWC program.

-  Seek to maintain a close, intimate walk with the Lord by regularly spending time alone with Him in His Word and in prayer.

-  Pray regularly for your husband and your marriage.

-  Prepare for each meeting by doing the homework and maintaining an open and teachable attitude.

-  Maintain confidentiality in regards to personal matters discussed within the group.

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